Terenzini & Lucero, LLC
Terenzini & Lucero, LLC

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What responsibility comes with being a registered sex offender?

On Behalf of | Aug 23, 2021 | Sex Crimes |

If a conviction requires registering as a sex offender, it is important for you to be aware of the requirements that are set forth by state law. 

Failing to adhere to the requirements of sex offender registration can result in a violation of your probation and parole requirements — and put you back in prison.

What must a registrant do to be compliant?

Here is a brief list from the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services of what information is required of you:

  • Physical location: Every address and location that a registered sex offender lives must be shared with local law enforcement in the county in which they are living.
  • Homelessness: If a registered sex offender becomes homeless then they must register once per week in person.
  • Personal data: Information such as Internet Service Providers (ISPs), vehicle information as well as telephone numbers must be reported within three days of there being a change.
  • Employment: If the registrant changes jobs or begins a new job that is in another jurisdiction, they must notify the new district’s law enforcement officials.
  • Education: If the sex offender begins or ends studies at an educational institution in Maryland, they must register the changes within three days.
  • New e-mail address: All changes to e-mail, screen names, online identities or computer log-in information must be registered with the Maryland Sex Offender Registry within three days.
  • Name change: If an offender legally changes their name, they must register the new name with each law enforcement agency where one habitually lives. 

It’s also important to note that there are other restrictions on your movements, occupational choices and living situations. Violations of any part of the law can get you into serious trouble. If you’re accused of violating your obligations as a convicted sex offender, the wisest thing you can do is mount a firm defense.

Terenzini & Lucero, LLC.

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